San Telequip (P) Ltd.,
504, 505 Deron Heights, Baner Road,
Pune 411 045, India.
Phone: +91-20-27293455, 9764027070, 8390069393 Connecting. Converting. Leading !
V3.0 (02/09/2021)
2) Slave_Response_Timeout: Timeout in milliseconds (Upto 5000) for modbus slave
3) User_Name and Password: User name and password of the webserver.
4) Baud_rate, Data_bits, Parity and Stop_bits: Communication parameters of modbus
5) Webserver_URL: Configuration of webserver URL name (Maximum 80 characters)
6) Modbus queries configuration:
If 10 parameters are to be read from 40001 address of device with modbus ID 1, then
configuration for modbus query is done as
: 1
: FC03 (40001 corresponds to function code 03)
: 1 (Starting modbus address).
: 10 (Length of modbus parameters to be read).
7) Plant_ID
: Site location ID recognizable to webserver.
Indicates data in the format of integer(I) 16 bit, Float(F)32 bit, Swapped float (S) 32 bit
, Long(L) 32 bit , Swapped Long (M) 32 bit.
Inputs_DeviceID: Plant ID in case of GW IoT model with IO’s
Modbus mappings using CSV:
GWIoTG1M/GWIoT G8M supports configuration of 400 modbus queries.500 modbus registers
can be read using gateway for monitoring of modbus devices.
Example CSV:
1) Reading 10 modbus holding registers with starting address 40001 from single device in
single query and send to cloud in integer format.