San Telequip (P) Ltd.,
504, 505 Deron Heights, Baner Road,
Pune 411 045, India.
Phone: +91-20-27293455, 9764027070, 8390069393 Connecting. Converting. Leading !
V3.0 (02/09/2021)
This file contains configuration parameters like upload interval in minutes, user name and
password of webserver, baud rate parameters, webserver URL, and modbus mapping.
After configuration, unit starts uploading modbus parameters at specified periodic interval. If
network fails data will be stored into the memory of unit and it will be uploaded in FIFO
manner when network is restored.
If internet connection is disconnected, unit will attempt for connection after redial interval. If
internet link is disconnected due to poor network signal strength, unit will attempt for
connection once network signal strength restores.
During initialization once internet is connected and if unit is not able to read CSV from server
then unit will try for reading CSV for 5 minutes and if it unable to read then it will start
operation as per previously stored CSV in the unit.
Device offline and retry logic.
If multiple devices are connected to gateway and if any one of the devices is not
communicating then data frames will not be sent for the device which is not communicating.
In case of device offline, gateway will poll all queries for particular device for retries configured
in the CSV. If any one query for particular device is not responding, then that device will be
marked offline.
Data frame format:
In case of HTTP and MQTT protocols, JSON and Non JSON format can be configured.
Please refer data format document.