5.9 Communication Group(G.COM)
Press SET/ENT Key to select Communication Group after press ▲ or ▼ Key in
Menu display.
The parameter to set communication Protocol.
The parameter to set communication speed (BAUD RATE).
The setting range of BAUD RATE is 600 ~ 19200 bys.
Its initial setting is ‘9600’bps.
The parameter to set Communication Parity.
The setting range are ‘None’,’Even’,’ODD’.
Its initial setting is ‘None’.
The parameter to set Communication Stop Bit.
The setting range is ‘1’ or ‘2’.
Its initial setting is ‘1’.
The parameter to set Communication Data Length.
The setting range is ‘7’ or ‘8’.
Its initial setting is ‘8’. Parameter ‘DLEN’ is not display when ‘COM.P’ sets
The parameter to set Communication Address for controller.
The setting range is 1 ~ 99 Pcs Address.
its initial setting is ‘1’.
The parameter to set Communication Response Time.
The RP.TM is a Waiting Time to return upper device after processing received
commands when controller received it from upper device.
The setting of RP.TM is setting by 10 msec times.
In case of RP.TM = 0, If the processing of commands is over, it returns
response to upper device.
G.AT ↔ G.SP ↔ G.PID ↔ PWD ↔ G.CTL ↔ G.IN
↑ ↕
In the Case of Master-Slaver, The set point which it comes to give to the Slave
is decide with the sum of RBS and Master SP. (If communication protocol is
changed, It is initialized)