5.4 SP Group(G.SP)
Press ‘SET/ENT Key to select SP Group after press ▼ or ▲ Key in Menu
G.AT ↔
↔ G.PID ↔ PWD ↔ G.CTL ↔ G.IN
↑ ↕
The parameter to set Running mode for ‘RUN’ or ‘STOP’.
The parameter to set the type of SP to be running in the controller.
It can be selected one among ‘RSP, SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4’.
Its initial setting is ‘SP1’
(※ When communication option(/RS), it runs for SYNC-SLAVE.
If MASTER, RUN/STOP, SP for initializing, must set SPSL = RSP)
The parameter to set SP Value for Running.
The SP Value can be able to setting up Max 4 Ea, and One SP value will be
selected by SPSL parameter.
The parameter to set High-Limited value when input setting value.
the ‘SPrH’ can initialize when sensor input set or ‘In.rH’ (In.SH When mV, V
Sensor input) when changing of ‘In.rH’
The parameter to set Low-Limited value when input setting value.
the ‘SPrL’ can initialize when sensor input set or ‘In.rL’ (In.SL When mV, V
Sensor input) when changing of ‘In.rL’
The parameter to set time unit as HH.MM (hour.minute) or
MM.SS(minute.second) for time relating parameters. Its initial setting is
HH.MM. ※’S-TM’ and ‘P-TM’ works without any effect from TMU parameter.
The parameter to setting for SP ascending or descending gradually in Time-
propositional to changed SP value when SP changed.
The U.SLP /D.SLP can set SP ascending or descending rate per sec or min
referring to Time unit of TMU parameter. When U.SLP/ D.SLP set value is
‘OFF’, input SP value is working to controller not effected by SP changing rate
when SP changed. Initial setting of ‘U.SLP/D.SLP is ‘Off’