User's manual
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The circular saw is suitable exclusively for cutting tree branches, bushes with up to Ø190 mm
(Ø19 cm) or similar works. Using it for purposes other than provided shall be considered as misuse.
PT circular saws are designed to cooperate with the following extension arms:
KWT 550 / KWT 550E / KWT 550EP – 5.50 m
KWT 650 / KWT 650E / KWT 650EP – 6.50 m
KWT 651E / KWT 651EP – 6.50 m
Camel 900 / Camel 900EP – 9.00 m
The circular saw may also be mounted on other type of extension arm with the same linkage
type or any other previously adapted.
Fig. 2. Circular saw mounting plate
Use of the machine for purposes other than mentioned herein is forbidden.
Different use than the above mentioned shall be considered as improper and
may lead to revoking of the warranty. The machine should be operated,
maintained and repaired only by personnel who are familiarized with its
detailed specifications and safety rules and procedures. Willful modifications
to the saw may lead to revoking the warranty.