Operating manual
Rear disc mowers with central suspension
- with hydro-pneumatic or spring suspension
- 4 0 -
Table 9. Amount of oil in the gear boxes
Mower type
Amount of oil
Oil type
Frequency of oil changes
All types
Transol 680 - 1000
(according to ISO 3448 oil with the
viscosity of :VG-680 – 1000 )
once every 3 seasons
(with intensive use)
The guidelines given above should be carefully adhered to. If the discs of
the cutting unit can by freely spun than the high temperature of the miter gear
should not be a concern since after long periods of work it can reach
temperatures up to 100°C.
7.3. Roller gear.
Prior to checking the oil level in the gear box of the roller the safety cover must be removed. The oil
level should be checked in the roller gear box and if necessary it should be topped off after removing
plug (deaerator) A (Pict 28) on top of the gear box. Oil level is checked by removing the control plug
B on the back wall of the gear box. If the oil level is too low it should be refilled until oil it comes out
through the control opening B. Amount of oil in the gear box is approximately 0.5 liter. Oil level is
checked with the cutting bar level on the ground. Oil is drained from the gear box using plug C,
located on the bottom of the gear box.
Table 10. Amount of oil in the roller gear box.
Mower type
Amount of oil [l]
Oil type -gear oil
Frequency of oil changes
All types
once every 3 seasons
(with intensive use)
Pict 28. Oil control and change points of the roller
gear box.
Pict 29. Lube points of the self regulating
bearing using grease ŁT43.