Series Operation Manual Chapter 7 Command Reference
NOTE: HZ(hertz) is the suffix unit, MAHZ and MHZ is MHz (1E6 Hz).
Query syntax: LIST:FREQuency?
Return format: <NR3>, [,<NR3>*]<NL^END>
The LIST:VOLTage command is used to clear the original voltage of the each
sweep point and reset the voltage. The LIST:VOLTage? query returns the current
voltage of each sweep point.
Command syntax: LIST:VOLTage<value>[,<value>*]
NOTE: * part means 201 sweep points at most can be set.
<value> is NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format.
For example: WrtCmd (“LIST:VOLT 1.5”)
Set the frequency of the sweep point 1 as 1.5V.
WrtCmd (“LIST:VOLT 1E-2, 2E-2, 3E-2, 4E-2”)
Set the frequencies of sweep point 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively as
10mV, 20mV, 30mV and 40mV.
NOTE: This command can be followed by suffix unit V.
Query syntax: LIST:VOLTage?
Return format:<NR3>[,<NR3>*]<NL^END>
NOTE: <value> should be set from 5mV to 2V, or return format will
report errors.
The LIST:CURRent command is used to clear the measurement current of each
sweep point and reset the current. The LIST:CURRent? query returns the current
of each sweep point.
Command syntax: LIST:CURRent<value>[,<value>*]
NOTE: * part means 201 sweep points at most can be set.
<value> is NR1, NR2 or NR3 data format.
For example: WrtCmd (“LIST:CURR 100MA”)
Set the measurement current of the sweep point 1 as 100mA.
WrtCmd (“LIST:CURR 1E-2, 2E-2, 3E-2, 4E-2”)
Set the currents of sweep points 1, 2,3 and 4 respectively as 10mA,
20mA, 3mA and 4mA.