SCS System User Manual
8.2 Charging your Evoke CLS using the Evoke Charger
Follow the steps below to recharge your stimulator:
Figure 8.2: An example of positioning the Charger coil over the implant. Place Charger coil
over clothing or in the Accessory Belt to ensure no prolonged contact with your skin.
Note: Your implant may be in a different location in your body.
1. Turn therapy off using the EPC (refer to Section 7).
2. Unplug the Charger from the power adapter.
3. Hold the Charger coil over the CLS (refer to Figure 8.2). You may place the Charger coil
into the Accessory Belt pouch to hold the coil in place (see Section 9.2).
4. Place Charger coil over clothing or fabric to ensure no prolonged contact with your skin.
5. Press
for more than one second.
6. The Charger will beep every second until the coil starts to align with the CLS.
Charging Link
indicator will then show at least two bars.
7. Move the Charger coil until the link is strongest. The
Charging Link
indicator should
then show three or four bars.
8. Keep the Charger coil in place over the CLS.
9. Do not wear the Charger coil on your skin for a prolonged time. Place clothing or the
Accessory Belt between your skin and the Charger coil .
10. You may turn therapy on using the EPC once charging has started.
Revision: 4.01
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