SCS System User Manual
Once the leads are positioned correctly, they could be simply brought through the skin,
or anchored with a small anchor device under the skin and attached to an extension
lead, which is then brought through the skin.
The leads or lead extensions will be taped in place, then covered with a dressing and
connected to the eCLS.
After surgery, the eCLS will be programmed to deliver therapy according to your needs.
5.2 Programming the External Closed-Loop Stimulator (eCLS)
Your clinician will customize a program to fit your needs.
Your eCLS can store up to four different programs, and you can access these programs
using your EPC (refer to Section 7).
Your eCLS may be required to be reprogrammed at any time during your trial period.
5.3 How it should feel
Patients report that the feeling of using a stimulator ranges from nothing through to a
tingling sensation.
If you feel any uncomfortable sensations, such as shocks, jolts, burning,
pain or cramping around the chest or abdomen, use your EPC to adjust the level of
stimulation (refer to Section 7).
If your therapy remains uncomfortable, contact your clinician so they can reprogram
your device to restore comfortable therapy for your pain relief.
At the end of your trial stimulation period, your clinician will ask about the amount of
pain relief you experienced with the Evoke System.
If you and your clinician agree that your pain relief was enough (usually greater
than 50% reduction in pain scores), then you will be asked to consider getting a
fully implanted Evoke System.
If you decide to get a fully implanted Evoke System, you can expect that the
sensations you feel, and the amount of pain relief will be similar to the trial
5.4 Lead or lead extension removal and next steps
If you did not have lead extensions implanted:
At the end of the trial stimulation period your leads will be removed.
The dressings and any tape or sutures will be removed.
The leads will then be withdrawn.
This is a brief procedure and you should not feel any pain.
Revision: 4.01
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