Manual for PCD7.L6xx room controllers���Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
��Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
��Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
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Controls Ltd.
D���tal room control un�ts�
Tec��n�cal data
Commissioning / configuration
T��e room control un�t ��as� �ts� own confi�urat�on parameters�, w���c�� can be quer�ed
and c��an�ed w�t�� a certa�n key comb�nat�on.
To act��ate t��e parameter mode, t��e defined comb�nat�on of keys� s���ould be pres�s�ed
to�et��er for at leas�t �� s�econd. T��e d�s�play w�ll t��en s�w�tc�� to parameter mode. T��e
keys� can be us�ed to c��an�e t��e parameter. If no key ��as� been
pres�s�ed for o�er �� s�econds�, parameter node w�ll be term�nated and t��e current
s�ett�n� w�ll become act��e.
W�reles�s� s���nals� are carr�ed acros�s� zones� and t��rou��� walls�. T���s� makes� �t neces�s�ary
to matc�� t��e w�reles�s� trans�m�tter un�quely to t��e rece��er connected d�rectly to t��e
room controller w�t�� t��e PCD7.L67� connect�n� cable. A comm�s�s��on�n� procedure �s�
run to matc�� t��e mob�le room control un�t to t��e des��red rece��er.
Matc���n� of control
T��e room controller and rece��er mus�t be powered
un�t to rece��er
on and �n operat�on.
Pres�s� t��e funct�on keys� , , and
to�et��er. T��e d�s�play s���ows� t��e currently confi�ured
rece��er addres�s� and t��e bar �rap�� flas���es� as� lon�
as� t��e room control un�t �s� ready to be ���en a new
rece��er addres�s�.
T��e rece��er trans�m�ts� �ts� ID w��en t��e s�mall button
on t��e back of t��e de��ce next to t��e cable �nlet �s�
pres�s�ed; t���s� �s� acces�s��ble after remo��n� t��e bas�e of
t��e ��ous��n�.
W��en t��e ID ��as� been rece��ed s�ucces�s�fully, t��e bar
�rap�� on t��e d�s�play s�tops� flas����n� and t��e new
rece��er addres�s� �s� d�s�played and s�a�ed
Pres�s��n� any of t��e funct�on keys� w�ll cancel t��e
procedure and t��e old rece��er addres�s� w�ll be
T���s� procedure can be repeated �n t��e s�ame way any
number of t�mes�.
Battery tes�t
T��e key �s� us�ed to run t��e �nte�rated tes�t
funct�on. All t��e d�s�play s�ymbols� flas��� and t��e c��ar�e
le�el of t��e battery �s� d�s�played; BAT.O�� s�tands� for
s�uffic�ent capac�ty, but w��en BAT.OFF �s� d�s�played,
t��e battery s���ould be c��an�ed.
Rece��er number
T���s� parameter �s� res�er�ed for future de�elopments�
and mus�t be s�et to � for compat�b�l�ty w�t�� t��e Sa�a
PCD7.L6�x s�ys�tem.
To act��ate t��e addres�s� s�ett�n�, t��e funct�on
keys� , and mus�t be pres�s�ed to�et��er for at