Manual for PCD7.L6xx room controllers���Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
��Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
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Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
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Controls Ltd.
D���tal room control un�ts�
Tec��n�cal data
2.1.1 Technical data for PCD7.L640
Room control un�t w�t�� temperature s�ens�or and s�et po�nt s�ett�n�.
Pin allocation
Term�nal Des�cr�pt�on
Ser�al bus�
T��e connect�on to t��e room controller �s� made w�t��
t��e PCD7.L67� d�rectly to t��e controller, or w��ere
extens��on modules� are us�ed for l����t and s���ade, to
t��e las�t module. T��e PCD7.L67� connect�n� cable
�s� preconfi�ured at bot�� ends� and �s� ��� m lon�. T��e
max�mum len�t�� between t��e room controller and t��e
room control unit must not exceed 11 m.
Room temperature s�ens�or. Meas�urement ran�e
Set po�nt s�ett�n�
To s�et a confi�urable s�et po�nt d�s�placement. T��e s�ett�n�
�s� entered ��a a potent�ometer. T��e ran�e �s� con�erted
�nto +��� 6 s�teps� and pas�s�ed to t��e room controller.
T��e bas�e s�et po�nt ��eld �n t��e room controller can be
�ncreas�ed or decreas�ed �n s�teps�. T��e s�tep s��ze �s� s�tored
�n t��e room controller confi�urat�on. See des�cr�pt�on of
Confi� FBox or re��s�ters� (re�. ���4). W��en t��e Plus�, Set
and M�nus� keys� are pres�s�ed to�et��er, t��e current s�et
po�nt �s� d�s�played for approx. �� s�econds�.
All analo�ue �nputs� on t��e room controller can be read by t��e S�Bus� ��a a Room
FBox or ��a re��s�ters� �ndependently of t��e appl�cat�on.
T��e us�e of a d���tal room control un�t mus�t be �nd�cated �n t��e confi�urat�on. See
des�cr�pt�on of Confi� FBox or re��s�ters�.