Manual for PCD7.L6xx room controllers���Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
��Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
��Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
Document �6���������n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
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�n�l�s��� �ers��on ������������������
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Controls Ltd.
D���tal room control un�ts�
Tec��n�cal data
keys� can be us�ed to adjus�t t��e s�et�po�nt �n s�teps�.
After approx. �� s�econds�, t��e d�s�play returns� to t��e
default ��ew.
T��e two funct�on keys� and can be us�ed to
c��an�e t��e operat�n� mode manually to Comfort
or Standby��unus�ed. T��e operat�n� mode �s� s���own
on t��e d�s�play for approx. �� s�econds�. T��e pers�on
s�ymbol outs��de t��e l�ttle ��ous�e �nd�cates� non�us�e;
�ns��de t��e ��ous�e, �t �nd�cates� pres�ence. After t���s�, t��e
d�s�play returns� to t��e default ��ew.
Fan control
T��e fan s�ett�n� �s� act��ated w�t�� t��e funct�on key .
T��e d�s�play s���ows� a fan s�ymbol. T��e and
keys� can now be us�ed to s�et t��e fan s�peed manually.
Fan s�topped
Fan s�tep ��
Fan s�tep �
Fan s�tep �
Fan automatic
T��e PCD7.L6�x room controllers� can only s�w�tc��
t��e fan to t��e des��red s�tep �f t���s� �s� allowed by t��e fan
operat�n� w�ndow. See des�cr�pt�on of t��e as�s�oc�ated
confi�urat�on parameters�.
L����t control
T��e funct�on key �s� us�ed to act��ate t��e menu
for l����t�n� control and to s�elect t��e des��red l����t
�roup. Pres�s��n� t��e s�ame key s�e�eral t�mes� s�elects�
all (ALL) or only one l����t �roup (��...4), w���c�� can
t��en be s�w�tc��ed on and off manually w�t�� t��e
be s�w�tc��ed on and off manually w�t�� t��e
be s�w�tc��ed on and off manually w�t�� t��e
and keys�.
See des�cr�pt�on of t��e as�s�oc�ated confi�urat�on
Bl�nd control
T��e funct�on key �s� us�ed to s�elect t��e menu for
bl�nd control and to s�elect t��e des��red bl�nd �roup.
Pres�s��n� t��e s�ame key s�e�eral t�mes� s�elects� all (ALL)
or only one bl�nd �roup (��...4), w���c�� can t��en be
ra�s�ed and lowered manually w�t�� t��e and
See des�cr�pt�on of t��e as�s�oc�ated confi�urat�on