©2022 Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. Safety 1st
and the Safety 1st logo
and design are trademarks of Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. (800) 544-1108
www.safety1st.com. Styles and colors may vary. Los estilos y los colores
pueden variar. Made in USA from American and imported parts (including seat
pad). Hecho en EE.UU. a partir de piezas americanas e importadas (incluyendo la
almohadilla del asiento). Distributed by (distribuido por) Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc.,
2525 State St., Columbus, IN 47201-7494. Dorel Juvenile Canada, 2233 Argentia
Road, Suite 110, Mississauga, ON L5N 2X7. Importado y Distribuido en Chile por:
Comercial e Industrial Silfa S.A. - San Ignacio 0201 / Parque Industrial Portezuelo
Quilicura, Santiago Chile. Fono (562) 2339 9000. En Perú por: Comexa S.A. - Los
Libertadores 455 – San Isidro, Lima – Perú. Fono (511) 4469014. En Centro
América, Caribe y Ecuador por: Best Brands Group S.A. – Av. Balboa, Bay Mall
Plaza, Planta Baja, local 9, Panamá. - Fono: (507) 300 2884. En Colombia por:
Baby Universe S.A.S. - Vía 40 No. 77-29, Barranquilla,Colombia - Fono: (575)
353 1110 Importador: DJGM, S.A. DE C.V. Gabriel
Mancera No. 1041 Col. Del Valle, Benito Juárez
C.P. 03100 México, Ciudad de México R.F.C.
DJG140305GN9 Tel. (55) 67199202
Grow and Go ARB
Grow and Go ARB Sport
MultiFit ARB
Continuum ARB
All-in-One Car Seat
Model shown may differ from model purchased.
Read all instructions before using this car seat.
Failure to follow the
warnings on the labels and in the
instruction manual can result in
serious injury or death
to your child.