Torch control functions UP/DOWN
The torch control functions are available if up/down
module on the torch is assembled on torch and “Option
50” is enabled in the Setup Menu. There are two
functions available:
Option 50 “Cur” change set current value
Three operating modes, corresponding to different states
of the machine, are identified:
Before welding: pressing the UP or DOWN key
causes a change of value of the Set current
While welding: pressing the UP or DOWN key
causes a change of value of the Set current during
all phases of welding process except during the start
functions, where the UP/DOWN function is masked.
Pre/post Flow: pressing the UP or DOWN key
causes a change of value of the Set current.
The change will be realized in two ways depending on
pressed button time:
Pressing the UP/DOWN button for a minimum time
of 200ms and releasing it, causes the set current
raises/falls of 1A.
Pressing the UP/DOWN button for a time greater
than 1 sec., the set current start to
increase/decrease with a (5A/s) ramp. If press for
more then 5 ses increase/decrease with a ramp of
The current ramp will end when the UP/DOWN button
previously pressed is released.
When a remote (FOOT or AMP) device is present,
depending on welding process selected, the UP/DOWN
behavior is different.
In SMAW welding mode, the remote device set the
amperage setting in the whole range, bypassing the
main control knob in front User interface. In that case the
signals coming from UP/DOWN
are ignored
In GTAW mode of welding, the remote device set the
percentage of the main set delivered by the machine.
Regulating the main amperage, the UP/DOWN with
remote device will work as described above.
Option 50 “Job” Change memory
By pressing torch buttons user will be allowed to change
over settings stored in memory locations from 1 to 9.
The feature is not available during welding.
Setup menu
The setup menu contains more parameters that are
hidden from the main control panel functionality.
To enter the Setup menu:
Push and hold “SEL” and “MODE” pushbuttons
Keep “SEL” + “MODE” pushed until the displays show
Then release the SEL” pushbutton
now is shown the
number “00”
empty display
Select the desired option: on the left display is shown the
option number
then press “SEL” to confirm
ON / OFF (or 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 only for option 40)
Now enable, disable or change the option value: on the
right display is shown the option status
Save the desired option by pressing the “SEL”
To exit the setup menu select the 00 option and keep the
SEL button pushed for 5 seconds until normal operation
is resumed.