After having verified the data indicated on the plate, proceed to connect the electricity to the motor terminals in observance of the diagrams in fig.5, according to
the voltage and number of phases of the power supply.
Connect the earthing cable in a proper position
Install a residual current device (RCD) with rated residual operating current not exceeding 0,03 A.
In the case of a three-phase power supply, verify that the rotation direction of the electropump corresponds to that indicated by the arrow on the pump body. Rapidly
apply and remove voltage and observe the rotation direction of the motor cooling fan through the holes of fan guard. In the event that the pump is rotating in reverse,
reverse two phases on the terminal board.
- For installations in suction, close the valve on the delivery pipe.
Prime the pump by filling it with water through the loading plughole located on the upper part of the pump body. For installations under water head, fill the
pump by opening the shutter in the intake pipe and that of the delivery to release the air.
- Close the shutter on the delivery.
- Feed current, waiting for the pump to reach full operating speed.
- Slowly open the valve on the delivery until you achieve the desired flow rate.
- In the event that you observe small leaks, it is a good idea to wait until it reaches full operating speed and temperature to see if they stop.
The priming operation must be repeated in case of long periods of inactivity and whenever necessary.
- If the non-return valve is not present, close the shutter on the delivery pipe.
- If there is no foot valve present, close the intake shutter.
- Stop the electrical feeling
After a sufficient period of time to reach normal operating conditions, verify that:
- There are no liquid leaks.
- There are no vibrations or anomalous noises.
- There are no oscillations of the flow rate.
- The ambient temperature does not exceed 40
- The temperature of the pump body does not exceed 120
- The motor’s current absorption does not exceed that shown on the plate.
In the presence of even only one of these conditions, stop the pump and find the cause.
Temperature of the bearings: the temperature of the bearings, measured on the external casing of the motor, may exceed the room-temperature of 55
In the event that the surface of the pump is hotter than 50
C, we recommend protecting it against accidental contact, such as using grates or shielding,
in such a way that however does not affect correct ventilation.
To avoid the risk of serious damage to components, we recommend:
- not running the pump without liquid;
- not running the pump for a long time with the delivery valve closet (max 5 min.).
If the pump / electropump remains inactive at low temperatures or, at any rate, for a period exceeding three months, it is a good idea to empty the pump
through the specific cap.
Pump installed, not in operation but ready to be started up: operate the pump for at least 10 minutes once a month.
Pump removed from the system and put into storage: clean the pump and protect its surfaces from corrosion by applying appropriate products.
The IR-IR4P-MG series pumps and electric pumps can be considered free from routine maintenance. In case extraordinary maintenance is required, get in touch
with the SAER Technical Assistance. Do not modify the product without the necessary preventive authorization.
In the event it is necessary to perform any type of maintenance, the following precautions must be observed:
- disconnect the pump motor from the electrical system;
- wait until the temperature of the liquid is such not to create a danger of burns;
- if the liquid handled by the pump is harmful for one’s health, it is indispensable to observe the following warnings:
- the operator must wear suitable individual protection devices (mask, goggles, gloves, etc.);
- the liquid must be carefully collected and disposed of with respect for current law;
- the pump must be washed inside and out, disposing of the residues as said above.
Disassembly/assembly of series IR and IR4P electropumps (referring to figures 6 and 7) and MG (referring to figure 8)
Hidrulic part:
Unscrewing the screws 13, the motor complete with support and the entire rotating part of the pump can be removed from the pump body 1 without
the latter needing to be removed from its installation. By removing the nuts 4, the washer 5 (IR-IR4P), the impeller 6 and the tang 17 (MG:22), it is possible to
check/replace the mechanical seal 7 and 8.
Motor (IR-IR4P): By disassembling the fan cover 29 and the fan 26, you have access to four tie rods 28 that, by unscrewing them, allow the disassembly of the motor
unit in all its parts. To replace the bearings 16 (IR-IR4P) and the seal rings 15, disassemble them with the appropriate tools so as not to ruin their seats.
For assembly, proceed in the reverse order to that described for disassembly, in any event, replacing the gasket 9. The bearings 16 (IR-IR4P) must be
mounted on the shaft using a press or through the use of a brass tube, resting on the internal ring of the bearing, by giving light taps, with a hammer, uniformly
distributed around the circumference (if necessary, first heat the bearings in oil at 90
C). Carefully remove any sediment from the sliding surfaces to avoid damaging
the sealing parts. It is preferable to mount the seal rings 15 (IR-IR4P) with the aid of equipment and, at any rate, it is a good idea to carefully lubricate the rings
with grease.
Special care must be paid in assembling the mechanical seal. Use water to moisten the fixed part 8 and introduce it into its seat using the most appropriate tool
being careful not to cut the outside ring and/or mark the lapped face. The rotating part 7 should also be moistened with water and, after having cleaned the shaft,
carefully mounted using the necessary tool. Assemble the various parts without forcing and carefully tighten everything.
Lubricating the bearings:
the bearings are of the permanently lubricated type (with grease) and, therefore, need no maintenance.