10.2.10 Cleaning the coffee
Each month, clean the coffee grinder of any residues that
might lead to deposits.
After removing the coffee bean hopper (10.2.8 - Fig. 86),
clean the coffee grinder carefully with an aspirator.
10.2.11 Cleaning the sugar
dispensing channel
- Unscrew the knurled pin to remove the movable sugar
chute from the support (Fig. 95);
Fig. 92
Fig. 94
Fig. 93
10.2.9 Cleaning the dispensing
Remove the elastic which blocks the hoses (Fig. 92).
Disconnect the hoses from the dispensing arm (Fig. 93).
Remove the brewing unit (Fig. 94).
Wash the components in lukewarm water and assemble
in reverse order.
Fig. 95
Fig. 96
Unfasten the screw fixing the movable sugar chute to
the connecting rod (Fig. 96).
Wash the movable sugar chute in lukewarm water and
assemble in reverse order.