3.2.4 Battery mold rack using expansion bolts on the battery mold rack and ground fixed, in order to achieve the
purpose of prevent shock.
3.3 The placement location of battery mold rack:
3.3.1 Referring to the installation size of battery mold rack, select the appropriate placement position, and cleared
the ground.
3.3.2 Depending on the installation size of the battery mold rack on the ground crossed, crossed position is
consistent with the battery mold rack base dimensions.
3.3.3 Placing the base into the crossed position and adjust correct, well-marked (diagonal fixed) on foot hole
position, and then remove the base.
3.3.4 Impact drill with drill on marks position, and put expansion bolt.
3.3.5 After cleaning up ground again, reset the base and its fixed. Front and rear direction of the base as shown
below, and pay attention to the middle of the base support beams are flush with the upper surface
Foot expansion bolts
Note: placed flush side
facing forward