Auxiliary Charge Time Requirement Guideline
25 or less
30 or less
35 or less
40 or less
Period (months)
or less
4 or less
or less
2 or less
Auxiliary charges should be performed by the manufacturer-stipulated methods,
using the manufacturer-specified charger or the chargerinstalled in the equipment.
Use without auxiliary charge can result infailure to satisfy the load.
Storage battery surface temperature should not exceed 45
. Exceeding that
temperature level can result in battery damage or degradation. When there
is a danger of exceeding 45
, either lower the charge current or temporarily
suspend the charge to halt the rise in the storage battery temperature.
: After auxiliary charging, there may be instances when the terminal voltage of each cell (each storage battery)
exceeds the maintenance standard sphere. This is caused by the gas absorption reaction at the negative plate, a
distinguishing factor of the FCP type lead acid batteries, and observations should be made of the trends through
the time of the six-month inspection.
4.4 Trial Operation
Storage battery performance tests or coupling tests of the storage battery and load or charger, etc., should be
conducted in accordance with Section 5.1
(“Everyday Maintenance and Handling Cautions”).
Before commencing and after completing pilot tests, charge in accordance
with Section 4.3 (“Auxiliary Charge”).
4.5 Pre-Use Preparations
Following the “Auxiliary Charge” in Section 4.3 and the “Pilot Operation” in Section 4.4, with the exception of
instances in which actual use will follow immediately, as a general rule auxiliary charge should be performed in with
the “Auxiliary Charge” in Section 4.3.
When using a storage battery, always discharge the hydrogen gas and release the heat.
Because storage batteries generate hydrogen gas, ignited explosions or fires can be caused by sparking
or short-circuiting.
Ventilate the room interior to maintain hydrogen concentration at 0.8% or below.
5. Regular Maintenance and Handling
5.1 Regular Maintenance and Handling Cautions
When conducting maintenance inspections, always wear rubber gloves, rubber
shoes and other protective gear. Allowing any part of the body to directly touch
the conduction part (charge component) will result in electric shock.
Because the electrolytes in storage batteries consist of diluted sulfuric acid, if
the solution gets in the eyes or on the skin or clothing, immediately wash it off
with large amounts of water. In particular, if the solution gets into the eyes
or is mistakenly consumed, immediately arrange for examination by a physician.
Such instances can result in burns, loss of vision or other injuries.
Always clean storage batteries with a damp cloth. Cleaning with a dry cloth
or duster can generate static electricity and cause ignited explosions.
Keep Away from
High Temperature
Electric Shock Danger
Wear Safety Glassed