For two-channel systems, AUTO TURBO will prompt you to perform the same setup for the second
channel, or exit to normal operation. For models GRQ-3101 and GRQ-3102S, AUTO TURBO will set the
same filters simultaneously for both A and B outputs, and will show the B output FBX/parametric screen
during setup. You cannot set FBX filters in Output A if FBX/Parametric for Output B is bypassed before
setup. Set filters first, then bypass B.
USING MANUAL TURBO: If you select MANUAL mode, the master gain must be raised manually (again,
we recommend only one channel at a time for two-channel units). Raise the gain until the system is on
the verge of feedback, then walk around the stage with a microphone until you find a position that excites
feedback. Slowly raise the gain to cause enough feedback to set an FBX filter. Repeat the process until
all of the FIXED filters and one DYNAMIC FBX filter are set. Then lower the gain slightly. During Manual
Turbo operation, feedback will be kept to a low volume, and you will be able to see filters setting on both
the curve display, and in the FBX/Parametric screen. Manual Turbo Mode will exit when either the first
dynamic FBX filter is set, or when you click on the Cancel Turbo button. You’ll be prompted when Manual
Turbo is exiting, and you may need to adjust system gain when TURBO is releasing and no longer limiting
feedback to a lower level (setup only). Be aware of the potential for any ringing feedback to briefly rise
in volume.
Gain Structure and Manual Turbo
If your power amplifier gain is low, Manual Turbo Mode may not work well. The level of feedback is
compressed during Manual Turbo, and the combination of compressed output and low amplifier gain
may keep feedback below its threshold. Raise the amplifier gain to correct this. This situation cannot
occur in Auto Turbo Mode.
For two-channel systems, MANUAL TURBO will allow you the choice of either performing the same
setup for the second channel, or exiting to normal operation.
DO NOT USE TURBO DURING A PERFORMANCE. It is a setup tool only. If you play audio through
the GRAPHI-Q while it is in Turbo Mode (Manual or Auto), the audio may sound distorted, and FBX
filters will set inappropriately.
TURBO WORKS BEST IN A QUIET ENVIRONMENT. Because it relaxes its analysis of what
constitutes feedback, Turbo mode may cause the GRAPHI-Q to set filters for any sound picked up
by a microphone.
When in doubt, exit TURBO mode and ring out feedback by raising system gain. The results should be
identical, but feedback during setup will be louder.
After resetting FBX filters, if you close the Turbo setup screen, your GRAPHI-Q will still place FBX filters
when feedback occurs. You can place filters without Turbo Mode simply by raising system gain until
feedback occurs.
8.2.6. Compressor/Limiter Adjustments
Compressor/limiter controls are located below the EQ curve display on the main GRAPHI-Q remote
screen. You may adjust settings by clicking (left button) on a virtual knob or control and moving your
mouse, or by clicking with the right mouse button and typing in a value. In the former instance, a pop-
up window will appear to show the changing parameter value as you make adjustments.
In addition, you may click the Compressor/Limiter button to the right of the Curve Display, choose
Compressor/Limiter from the Main Menu, or press F3. In each case, the screen shown at right will appear:
Within the Compressor/Limiter screen, you may change values for any of the seven compressor/limiter
parameters (Ratio, Threshold, Gain, Attack, Release, Knee, and Limiter threshold) by clicking in the field
and typing in a value, or clicking in the field and using the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen. For all
parameters except Limiter threshold, you may also use the knobs at the bottom of the main screen. All
parameter value indicators (knob position, numeric indicator, and scroll bar position) will co-vary. In
addition to these indicators, the Compressor/Limiter screen will graphically display the dynamic
relationship of input and output levels. (The front panel gain metering on the GRAPHI-Q will also reflect
remote control settings.)
Section Eight: Using GRQ Remote Software