How Themes Work
You can always back out of a
name entry field by pressing
“Exit” on the UNO-LRC1
remote control, or by press-
ing the left arrow until you are
out of the window.
Default Themes
These Themes are pre-configured for the media server’s use and are not available
for editing. These are: All Songs, New Songs and Requests Only.
All Songs
Just like the name says, this theme has it ALL – all of the songs you have loaded
onto the SMS3. When the All Songs theme is selected, it plays these songs in the order
of this list.
New Songs
Here’s where your newly cataloged music will sit until it is moved into another theme.
Requests Only
You create a “play only this” theme with Requests Only. Select this theme, then at
Music, pick the songs or albums you want and add to the theme. These songs play
through once, then the Requests Only theme goes quiet. This is useful if you want to
listen to some songs but not add them to an existing theme.
Creating a New Theme
Time to have some fun with your music. Creating themes is the heart of your media
server experience. The main goal of Add New Theme is to decide how you want your new
theme to be built – automatically (PMA) or by hand. This is also where you can view, set
and change a Theme’s “recipe” after it has been created, and decide to add music
automatically or manually.
Add a New Theme