Cataloging CDs
Make sure the CD is clean
and free of scratches. Dirty
or damaged CDs may take
much longer to catalog. In
some cases it may seem like
the CD has stopped. If this
happens, eject the CD, clean
it and try again.
Enough Talk! Let’s Rock!
Now that you know your way around the SMS3, the next step is to load your music
Press the CD drawer Open button on the front panel. Insert an audio CD into the drive
and press the button to close the drawer. The SMS3 will first “glance over” the CD to
ensure it is sound (pun intended). If the CD has already been cataloged, the SMS3 will
eject the disc. If it is a “new” CD, the SMS3 will then begin to catalog the files.
An amber LED located on the front panel below the drive will blink during this
process. It takes about 12 minutes to catalog a CD. This may take longer if you are creat-
ing Themes, setting Schedules or otherwise using the media server at the same time.
While the CD files are being cataloged, the songs will be queued in the “New Songs”
music Theme. Completed tracks can be heard by selecting the “New Songs” Theme.
When the cataloging process is finished, the amber LED will go dark, the CD will stop
spinning and the drawer will open. If errors occur during the cataloging process the prob-
lems are queued for later retrieval and repair from the Review Music page.
S M S 3
Amber LED
CD Drawer
Open/Close Drawer
How Does the SMS3 Know the Name of What I’ve Cataloged?
Russound has teamed with Gracenote® music recognition service and Muze® enter-
tainment information service to provide CD information and album art for the SMS3 via the
Internet. This information, called metadata, includes song title, artist and album name, and
genre (rock, jazz, etc.). When a CD is being cataloged by the SMS3, the media server con-
sults the Gracenote music recognition service database via the Internet (or from the data-
base loaded onto the media server, when no internet connection is present), then checks
in with Muze for album cover art that is displayed when the album is played. When artist,
album and track name are displayed, this information has been retrieved from the
Gracenote CDDB music recognition service.
For MP3 files, the ID3 tags to identify them will be carried with the files when they are
moved onto the media server hard drive from a networked computer. An ID3 tag is a fixed-
sized tag at the end of an MP3 file that includes the artist, song title, album and year, and
the genre.
Power Switch
On - press and release
Off - press and hold