Exploring Your New Theme
This choice tells the media server to stop playing this song and move to the next
song in the list for this theme.
Play Again
This choice tells the media server to play this song again when the song is over.
Rate Song (Not active in All Songs, New Songs, or Requests Only Themes)
This choice opens another window with more options: Play More Often, Play Less
Often, and Drop From Theme. When you make selections within this option, you affect
the song’s popularity rating within the theme, which the PMA uses to judge how much
you like the song.
When manual choices are
made to Theme contents,
such as skip or repeat a
song, as the Dean of Media I
pay attention to the changes
you’ve made and will follow
your wishes when the song
cycles within the theme. That
is, if you have given me
permission to act on your
behalf. You decide within the
Theme Editor how much
power I can use when
choosing music for you.
Exploring Your New Theme
Let’s check your progress to this point. Now you have cataloged CDs, created and
named a Theme, set your preferences for PMA interaction, set music additions, and
finished your recipe.
Once you return to the Home page, and select your new Theme from “Themes,” you
can explore your new theme.
Let’s start with “What’s Playing” on the Home page.
Underneath the album art and name of the song currently playing in the chosen
theme, you will see some options: Skip, Play Again, Rate Song and More Details.