Ruckus Wireless MediaFlex 7811 Access Point
Access Control
Figure 23—Access Control: adding an entry
Type the MAC address in the spaces provided.
Click the
button to save your changes. Assuming all parameters you entered are acceptable, that value
will be added to the table.
If you have additional MAC addresses you want included, click
Add new entry
and repeat these steps until
you've entered all the stations you want. There is a limit of 128 rows.
Access Control Table Columns
The Access Control Table contains the following columns:
: six text boxes appear in which you enter the desired MAC address, in hexadecimal digit form,
two characters in each box. You can specify a full 12-hex-digit MAC address or enter “wildcard”
characters for “don't care” digits. Allowable hex-digit characters are 0-9, a-f, and A-F. Most address-tags
and software where you find MAC addresses listed include colons or dashes to separate the address-pairs;
that is provided for you on the Web page, so do not enter the colons or dashes. The wildcard characters
are “x”, “X” and blank (space character). Wildcards are useful when you want to specify all MAC
addresses from a given manufacturer. Thus for example, by specifying only the Organizationally Unique
Identifier (the first six hexadecimal digits of any MAC address from that manufacturer is its OUI) saves
you having to enter all 24 million of them (the table size is limited in the AP/Router to 128 entries). Some
manufacturers produce devices using more than one OUI, in which case you may need to enter each
applicable one.
: Check the 'Remove' box for any row(s) you no longer want used.