Manual | TM3-Primus
3 | Operation | 3.2 | Signal Sources and Synchronization
Synchronization of Digital Signal Sources
On its digital signal inputs (S/PDIF or USB audio data stream), TM3-
Primus handles digital signal sources with sampling rates up to 96 kHz.
Correspondently the selected input will be used for synchronization pur-
poses. If using the analog input, TM3-Primus will use its internal clock to
be the sync reference.
Depending on the settings of the operating system of a
Mac, it might happen, that TM3-Primus displays no signals on its initial
instantiation as USB device. The reason for this is the sample rate of
192 kHz set as default by the Mac system.
Please check the settings of the sample rate in the Audio Midi Setup me-
nu of your Mac OS X® system. TM3-Primus supports sample rates up to
96 kHz max. Please select the sample rate corresponding to your project.
Synchronization when using a DAW
DAWs support only one audio interface for input and output control at a
time. When accessing the menu of TM3-Primus for example, the USB
interface resp. the interface driver will be deactivated. After coming back
to normal operation, problems with synchronization between DAW and
TM3-Primus may occur, if the sample rates of DAW and TM3-Primus do
not match. On Mac OS X® systems, use the Audio Midi Setup to check
the sample rate, on Windows® systems the RTW Primus Control Panel.
When using a DAW, please always make sure, that your
DAW uses the same sample rate as displayed for TM3-Primus.