Manual | TM3-3GS
7 | Specifi cations
Loudness Chart instrument for displaying and analyzing the course over time of a
loudness measurement directly on the display.
Loudness Chart Instrument
• Coordinate system displaying a graph with the course
over time of one of the measured values TP, M, S, or I
• Relative Gate view switchable
• Adjustable time ranges
• Vertical Integrated bargraph switchable
• Adjustable tolerance levels
• Course over time of the selected value with color fi lling
or as line
• Tolerance
• Position of the Relative Gate (doubled horizontal line)
• Vertical I bargraph
• Fill: Adoption of the corresponding colors of the Loud-
ness Sum instrument
• Line: cyan (M), light red (S), green (I), yellow (TP)
• Tolerance Marker: coordinate system turns to light grey
except the corridor defi ned by the tolerance settings
• Relative Gate: white
Time range presets:
1 m; 1 m, 5 m, 1 h selectable
Time range select:
via preset or onscreen during normal operation
Upper tolerance:
as defi ned in the Loudness/Tolerance menu of each audio
group; tolerance above the Target Level
Lower tolerance:
as defi ned in the Loudness/Tolerance menu of each audio
group; tolerance below the Target Level
Specifi cations (continued)