Manual | TM3-3GS
5 | Instruments | 5.11 | Moving Coil
Example: PPM display in Dual L/R mode left beside Dual M/S mode
with horizontal orientation of TM3-3G Smart
5.11 | Moving Coil
Moving Coil
instrument features a genuine emulation of various
moving coil level meter types, including PPM, VU, loudness, or PPM +
Loudness modes. Depending on selected mode and standard, the L and
R channels of a stereo signal can be displayed in one single (Dual mode,
L/R or M/S display) or two separate moving coil instruments (Stereo
mode). If two separate instruments are used, they may be displayed in
horizontal or vertical arrangements. Also, the parallel display of one instru-
ment for L/R display in Dual mode beside one instrument for M/S display
in Dual mode is possible.
This instrument is only available in single or stereo chan-
nel mode audio groups, if no Program Meter instrument (PPM) exists in
this audio goup.
Factory presets using the Status monitor instrument:
• None