SmartAlarm Instruction Manual Rev 2
Page 69 of 115
Please note if multiple channels are used with the Group - ALL of the alarms
must be in the non-alarm state before the common relay returns to normal.
Any channel within the Annunciator can be assigned to any group and once
assigned the “Groups” function needs to be set to “Input Group” using the
drop-down menu provided against each group as required.
Once set the Common Relay / Relays need to match to follow the Group as
Audible Group
Any channel within the Annunciator can be assigned to any group and once
assigned the
“Groups” function needs to be set using the drop-down menu
provided against each group
For example if channel 1 to 8 have been assigned to
“Group-1” and they are
all part of the same audible group the drop-down menu for Group-1 should be
set to “Audible Group”
Once selected the Internal Audible or Common Relays should be set to follow
the associated horn group as required.
Ring back Audible Group
When using ISA R
– Ring Back Sequence the associated LED slow flashes to
indicate to the operator that an alarm has returned to normal.
In addition to the visual prompt the annunciator can sound an audible to
prompt the operator that Reset can be pressed to clear the alarm.
Alarms set to alarm sequence ISA R (Ring Back) and a Group for example
Group-7 can be set to a RB (Ring Back) Audible Group using the drop down
menu provided against Group 7.
Group 7 can be typically assigned to HNB Horn Relay B and an external horn
differing in tone from the integral audible can be used to identify that an alarm
has returned to normal.