It’s Under Control
CHaPteR 3 | InstallatIOn and OPeRatIOn
The MRP-6 can be wall mounted (details below) or free standing. Because
the IR output ports can drive up to 000 feet of wire, the MRP-6 does not
need to be mounted near the equipment being controlled.
NOTE: Cabling for RS-232 communication should be limited to 50-00ft.
MOuntInG PatteRn
Inches (
22 mm)
.0 Inches (203 mm)
The included AC adapter should be connected to the POWER jack on the
MRP-6. The power LED will turn-on and the output LEDs will toggle on
and off in sequence to confirm that the unit is running properly.
POWeR/IR teRMInals and COnneCtIOns
teRMInal: +12VdC or +16VdC
Positive power supply connection. It is internally tied to the Power
jack. This can be used to power external IR or RF receivers.
2 or 6 VDC power supply may be used.
Warning: If a 16V power supply is used, trigger outputs and
the IR High Out will be 16V.
teRMInal: GROund
Common ground connection. Use this ground reference for any device
that is connected to the +2VDC, SIGNAL IN, OR HIGH OUT terminals.
teRMInal: sIGnal In
Input connection for system trigger codes. This should be connected to
an RTI RF receiver or industry standard IR repeater system.
teRMInal: HIGH Out
High current (200mA) IR output connection. This can be used to power
up to 0 infrared mini-emitters, an IR blaster, or extending IR control
over a long distance (000 ft. max).