WiFlyRN171-um 2/23/2011
809 University Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Tel (408) 395-6539
Using HTML client feature
The WiFly GSX module has a built in HTML client. When enabled, the WiFly GSX module is capable of
getting or posting data to a web server.Using the HTML client, it is now possible to post serial and/orsensor
data to the host web server.This feature make is possible to provide Wi-Fi capabilities to applications such
as GPS units, remote sensors, weather station, etc.
User wants to retrieve data from web server with this format:
setip proto 18
//enable html client
setdns namewww.webserver.com
//name of your webserver
setip address 0
// so WiFly will use DNS
setip remote 80
// standard webserver port
setcom remote 0
// turn off the REMOTE string so it does not interfere with the post
To make the connection the command would be:
or inline you can send
open www.webserver.com 80
The user’s microprocessor should write to the uart:
GET /ob.php?obvar=WEATHER \n\n
Where the \n is the LINEFEED character decimal 10 or hex 0xa.Two linefeeds are required so the web
server knows the page is complete.
Built-in HTML Client Modes
WiFly can be setup to automatically post data to and get data from a web server withoutany external HOST
CPU. The advanced web features are enabled using the “set option format <mask>” command. This is a bit
mapped register. The functions of the bits are described in the table below: