WiFlyGSX-um 9/16/2010
809 University Avenue
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Tel (408) 395-6539
~ 17 ~
System Parameters
set sys autoconn <secs>
TCP mode: sets the auto connect timer. This command causes the module
periodically connect to the host. The timer <secs> determines how often
to connect to the stored remote host. If set to 1, the module will only
make one attempt to auto connect upon power up. If set to 2 or greater
auto connect will re-open the connection after the connection is closed.
Default=0 disables.
set sys autosleep <num>
Sets the auto-sleep timer. 0 disables. If the protocol is set to UDP ONLY, this
timer is used as a quick sleep function. Device will sleep
<num> ms after transmission of the first UDP packet.
set sys iofunc <value>
sets the IO port alternate functions. Bit-mapped value. For more details
see section 10.5
set sys mask <mask>
sets the IO port direction mask. Bit-mapped value. For more information
see section 10.5
set sys printlvl <value>
sets numerous print functions. 0 = quiet, 1 = connect information Default
is 1 . Please refer section 10.6 on Setting Debug Print levels
set sys output <value> <mask>
sets output PIO pins to HIGH or LOW. Bit-mapped value. Optional
mask only sets a subset of pins.
set sys sleep <secs>
sets the sleep timer. 0 disables.
NOTE: If not using Sensor pins to wake the module, be sure to set the
wake timer before issuing the sleep timer or the module will not wake up.
See section 10.1 for more details on using system timers
set sys trigger <value>
sets the sensor input(s) to wake on (0-3). Bit-mapped value. 0 disables.
set sys wake <secs>
sets the auto wake timer. 0 disables. See section 10.1 for more details on
using system timers
Time Server Parameters
set time address <addr>
sets the time server address. (sNTP servers)