with your TOP TENS™. Any others may not be compatible with your unit and could degrade the
minimum safety levels. Use only the electrode placements and stimulation settings prescribed by
your Healthcare Practitioner.
This TOP TENS™ is for external use only.
Note: If you are in any doubt about using TOP TENS™ for any reason, please consult your
Healthcare Provider.
Electrode Precautions
To reposition the electrodes during a session, always pause the program currently running,
reposition the electrodes and then restart the program again.
The electrodes are for single person use only.
Do not emerse the electrodes into water.
Do not apply solvents of any kind to the electrodes.
Always ensure the unit is OFF before removing the electrodes.
● Apply the whole surface of the electrodes firmly to the skin. Do not use electrodes, which do not
adhere properly to the skin.
If your skin is red under the electrodes after a session, do not start another session in the same
area until your redness has completely disappeared.
Adverse Reactions
You may experience skin irritation and burns beneath the stimulation electrodes applied to your
You may experience headache and other painful sensations during or following the application of
electrical stimulation near your eyes and to your head and face.
You should stop using the TOP TENS™ and should consult with your Healthcare Provider if you
experience adverse reactions from the TOP TENS™.
Conditions that may affect your TOP TENS™ system
Since the TOP TENS™ is a battery-operated electronic system, its output performance and safety may
be affected greatly in extreme humidity. Therefore, it is very important to keep the stimulator dry to
ensure the safety and performance of the TOP TENS™.