Ensure that the Fibre Optic harness is pushed fully into the front of the light source.
It will stop when it is fully pushed in. Tighten the top screw on the light port on the
front of the Light Source to prevent the harness from being pulled out.
Problem: Light source sometimes changes colour randomly, and then goes back to its
preprogrammed sequence.
The Light Source may be picking up Wi Fi signals from somebody nearby who has a
Colour Changing Panel or 8 Colour Wirefree Controller (or a Sensory Magic room).
Problem: Wi Fi signals from 2 different nearby rooms are interfering with each other.
If you have 2 neighbouring rooms each using Wi Fi products, then the devices in both
rooms can be controlled by any nearby Wi Fi controllers. An "All‐In‐One" Controller
would be required to alter the wireless settings to operate without interfering with
one another.
Further copies of these instructions can be downloaded at www.rompa.com
We hope you find our instructions invaluable. If you have any suggestions for improving
them further your comments will be greatly received – please contact us at
2-Port Light Source 21452 May 2015
Copyright ROMPA®Ltd