BU94603KV Functional Specifications
Target Spec 0.12
VI.5 Watchdog Timer
This system builds Watchdog timer(WDT) function.
After RESET, WDT function is enabled on MODE1, MODE2 and MODE3. WDT is enabled always on MODE1.
On MODE2 and MODE3, WDT function can disable by command
“SET_WDT”(0x5A,0x00). After WDT function
is disabled, this function cannot enable until a reset from external pin.
When WDT function is enabled and system is hang-up, Watchdog Timer function generates RESET.
When you want to watch RESET of WDT from master micon, write command
“SET_WDT”(0x5A,0x01). After
write command
“SET_WDT”(0x5A,0x01), status “WDT_RFLG” is “1”.
“WDT_RFLG” is bit6 of STATUS5(offset;x04). This status is “0” after RESET. Therefore, when this status
returned to
“0” from “1”, this system generated a reset.