About the GNSS Production Tester
User Manual 1176.9787.02 ─ 05
3.7 Configuration of the Atmospheric Parameters
The ionospheric navigation parameters of the provided GNSS standards are enabled
for configuration.
The ionospheric navigation parameters define what the satellites are transmitting as
ionospheric correction parameters.
3.8 Time Conversion Configuration
The instrument supports an advanced function for transformation of the GNSS time to
the universal time coordinate basis (UTC) and vice versa. The provided GNSS system
time conversion parameters are zero-order and first order system clock drift parame-
ters in addition to the current leap second. The leap second describes the difference
between the GPS, Galileo, GLONASS or BeiDou system time and UTC system time. It
is for example possible to simulate a system time drift between GPS and Galileo by
configuring different time conversion sets for both UTC-GPS and UTC-Galileo conver-
sion parameters.
The time conversion parameters can be either manually configured or fetched from the
RINEX header. It is recommenced to keep the default configurations without system
time offset and/or drift.
3.9 Leap Second Simulation
The instrument enables the simulation of leap second in a straightforward way. The
simulation requires only the date and sign of the next leap second, further calculations
are performed automatically.
Leap Second Simulation