External Power Meters: Control Connection
Software Utility
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or directly), check the Windows Device Manager to find out which COM port is
assigned to it (to the device itself or the adapter).
"Device Id"
(PM5 only)
Only relevant if multiple PM5s are connected to the Leveling Tool PC. In this case,
select the USB device ID of the PM5 that is used for leveling.
Hint: To find out the device ID of a connected device, locate it in the Windows
Device Manager and select "Properties" > "Details" > "Property: Hardware Ids").
"Used LAN IP for SCPI"
This is the IP address of the Leveling Tool PC in the network. In case the Leveling
Tool PC is equipped with multiple network interfaces, select the (IP address of the)
network interface that is used for communication with the VNA.
On "Connect", the Leveling Tool takes the following actions:
configure the corresponding power meter in the analyzer firmware
establish the required serial connection to the power meter
In the Leveling Tool, when the connection is established, the "Power Meter Display
PMx" dialog indicates the power level that is measured at the related PMx.
Figure 8-4: Active connection display for PM4 (left) and PM5 (right)
Keep this dialog open as long as you want to use the related PMx: closing it terminates
the external power meter connection.
Make sure the remote control connection between Leveling Tool and analyzer is estab-
lished before connecting to the PMx. Otherwise the analyzer firmware does not config-
ure the power meter and leveling is not possible.
VDI Erickson PM4 or PM5