A combination memory must be unlocked to set pistons. Once the pistons are set, the combination
memory may be locked again to prevent accidental change.
Unlocking a Combination Memory
1. Press and hold M1, M2, M3 or M4 located under the Swell manual to the right for approximately
five seconds. “USING INTERNAL MEMORY” or “USING CARD MEMORY” appears in the
Console Display first. Then “MEMORY (#) LOCKED” appears.
2. While continuing to hold the memory piston, rotate the Alpha Dial either direction until the
Console Display reads “MEMORY (#) UNLOCKED.”
3. Release the memory piston. The memory is now unlocked.
Setting the Pistons
1. Select a memory by pressing M1, M2, M3 or M4.
Note: Pistons cannot be set if the memory is
locked. Please refer to the “Unlocking a Combination Memory” section.
2. Select the desired stops.
3. Press and hold the SET piston, located under the Great manual to the far left.
4. While holding SET, press the desired combination piston. Then release both pistons.
Note: Stops may be added or deleted from any combination using the above procedure.
Locking a Combination Memory
1. Press and hold M1, M2, M3 or M4 for approximately five seconds. “USING INTERNAL
MEMORY” or “USING CARD MEMORY” appears in the Console Display first. Then
“MEMORY (#) UNLOCKED” appears.
2. While continuing to hold the memory piston, rotate the Alpha Dial either direction until the
Console Display reads “MEMORY (#) LOCKED.”
3. Release the memory piston. The memory is now locked.
The Rodgers 805C is equipped with a two-line Console Display window located on the right below
the stop rail panel. This display indicates the Transposer setting, and it can be used to alter many other
settings and organist preferences including MIDI settings, Voice Palette, and Tremulant rate and depth,
among many others.
Two controls are used to select and operate the features of the Console Display. The
smaller knob,
located near the Console Display, is called the
Select Knob
and is used to select different menu items to be
changed. When the Console Display reads “TRANSPOSER 0”, this knob controls the Transposer
function. The
larger flush dial,
near the Console Display, is called the
Alpha Dial
and is used to change a
menu setting which has been selected.
To move to a new menu or to make a new setting in the same menu in the Console Display, hold SET
and turn the Select Knob.
Note: Once any menu other than the Transposer menu has been selected, it is
no longer necessary to hold SET to select further menus.