5. Rotate the Alpha Dial to select the desired expression range. If the expression shoe is closed
and notes are played on voices in the division being adjusted, the change is heard immediately.
All expression range settings are saved when the organ is turned off.
Many of the speaking stops on the Rodgers 805C can play additional voices which are selectable
through the Voice Palette
menu. These voices are:
16' Principal
16' Contrebasse
4' Choralbass
4' Nachthorn
16' Posaune
16' Basson
4' Rohrschalmei
4' Klarine
16' Violone
16' Flauto Basso
8' Principal
8' Diapason
8' Rohrflöte
8' Gemshorn
8' Flûte Celeste II
8' Erzähler Celeste II
4' Prestant
4' Octave
2' Super Octave
2' Waldflöte, 2' Fifteenth
1 1/3' Quintflöte
Sesquialtera II
8' Cromorne
8' Trompete
8' Geigen Principal
8' Geigen Diapason
8' Bourdon
8' Flûte Harmonique
1 3/5' Tierce
Cymbale III, 1' Sifflöte
16' Contre Basson
16' Contre Trompette
8' Trompette
8' Trumpet
8' Hautbois
8' Voix Humaine
4' Clairon
4' Clarion
The voices located on one stop control cannot be played simultaneously. However, a stop’s primary
voice may be stored on one combination piston, and its Voice Palette selection may be stored on another
combination piston.
Accessing the Voice Palette
1. Press and hold the SET piston.
2. Turn on the stop to be changed. For example, select the 16' Principal in the Pedal. The
Console Display reads:
P D P R N C I P L 1 6 =
* P R I N C I P L 1 6 *
3. Rotate the Alpha Dial to view the available Voice Palette selection. The voice may be
previewed as it is selected.