commencing a cut.
b) aLWays wait until the blade has completely stopped before
removing a workpiece or off-cut from close to the blade.
c) aLWays use a sharp blade and use a feed rate which allows the
blade to cut freely without excessive force.
d) NEVER force a blunt blade to cut with excessive pressure.
e) NEVER hold or push the work with hands in line with the blade.
f) NEVER operate the BladeRunner
without the guard arm
assembly fitted and correctly lowered to guard and guide the
3. CROSS CuT (See Fig. J)
a) set the miter gauge to 0° and tighten locking knob. insert miter
gauge shaft to miter slot.
b) Lower the guard arm to make the pressure foot (5) contact the
work piece. Then lower the quick release lever (6). Make sure
the pressure foot is firmly against the work piece.
4. RIP CuT (See Fig. K)
- MaKInG a RIP CuT:
a) set and lock the miter gauge at 0˚using the angle knob.
b) slide the miter gauge into the fence slot (11), located
perpendicularly to the miter slot (13).
The fence can be set to the left or right of the blade, a larger
off-cut can be accommodated if the fence is set to the right.
c) Lock the fence at the desired width using the pointer in front of
the blade.
The miter gauge must always be locked at 0
for a rip cut,
any other fence angle will cause the work to jam between the fence
and blade.
d) Carry out the cut as described in general cutting rules.
5. MITeR CuT (See Fig. l)
- MaKInG a MITeR CuT:
a) follow the same procedures as you would for a cross cut. set
the miter gauge to desired angle and tighten the lock knob.
nOTe: Make sure to slide the miter gauge into the miter slot
(13), not the fence slot (11).
6. InTeRnal CuT (See Fig. M)
is ideal for making inside cuts for detail work. To
make an inside cut:
a) drill a pilot hole in your workpiece. Make sure the diameter of
the hole is larger than the blade you will use.
b) Make sure the saw is unplugged. slacken the guard arm clamp
knob and raise the guard arm (see fig B1).
c) Thread the saw blade through the pilot hole in your workpiece.
d) Lower the guard arm to make the pressure foot contact the
workpiece. Then lower the quick release lever. Make sure the