Hands-Free BencH Vise
Pedal (6) can be pressed repeatedly to make the
Jaw move forward.
2. slide the Lock/unlock switch (9) down to the “lock”
position. (see Fig. F)
3. apply downward pressure on the Foot Pedal until
desired clamping force is applied. (see Fig. G)
Maximum allowable force on the Foot
Pedal is 220 lbs (maximum 100 kg). do not stand
or jump on the Pedal or the unit, as you can cause injury
or damage to the unit.
- releasinG
1. slide the Lock/unlock switch up to the “unlock”
2. Push down firmly on the Foot Pedal (6). allow it to
return up and release the workpiece. (see Fig. F, G)
if you have clamped the object very tightly, you must
exert similar pressure on the Foot Pedal before it will
ensure you are supporting the
workpiece to avoid it falling when the Jaw
is released.
3. slide the Moving Jaw (1) back and remove your
workpiece. (see Fig. h)
- clamPinG on one side oF THe JaW (see Fig. i)
sometimes, large or awkward workpieces can only be
clamped on one side of the Jaws. in this case, be sure
to avoid excessive clamping force.
- clamPinG sQuare Pieces VerTicallY (see
Fig. J)
Tubing or other square (steel, aluminum or other)
workpieces can be clamped vertically in the center of
the Jaws. The hole on the base plate under the Jaw
accommodates pieces up to 2 3/8 in width.
- clamPinG larGe oBJecTs
The Moving Jaw can be reversed to accommodate large
1. set the Lock/unlock switch to the “unlock”
position and ensure that the Foot Pedal is released.
2. slide the Moving Jaw (1) fully from its tracks. (see
Fig. h)
3. Rotate the Jaw 180 degrees and re-insert it into the
track. (see Fig. K)
WarninG: Whenever clamping objects
with the moving Jaw reversed, ensure
the workpiece sits down onto the sliding Jaw,
and is parallel to it. avoid clamping workpieces
at the top of the Jaws (with a gap between the
workpiece and the base of the moving Jaw) as
excessive Pedal pressure could damage the unit.
- clamPinG sQuare TuBinG
Clamp square tubing or similar material on the flat side.
use the Jaws to securely hold the material. (see Fig. L)
- remoVinG THe JaW FacinGs (see Fig. m)
The Jaw Facings can be removed to achieve a greater
clamping range, replace if worn or damaged, or when
fitting the optional jaws.
The Jaw Facing (2, 4) can be pulled from the Jaw by
oPTional accessories:
1) extension Jaw, model rW9207 (see Fig. n)
The Extension Jaw holds large items. it has a
clamping range approximately 16˝ to 24˝.
2) multi-Purpose Jaw, model rW9208 (see Fig. o)
The Multi-Purpose Jaw is suitable for gripping
tapered or irregularly shaped items. This Jaw
attaches to the standard steel Jaws. it has a self-
adjusting pivot capability of approximately ±11°.