MSR300 Safety System Manual
Rockwell Automation
MSR300 Manual.doc
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About This Manual
This manual contains detailed information about the product, and instructions for its
installation, operation and maintenance.
Operators and other technical personnel responsible for the equipment must read this
manual thoroughly before attempting to install or operate this equipment.
The latest version of this manual must be readily available with personnel involved
installation, operation or replacement of this product.
Product documentation that accompanies the product in its packing must be considered
to have precedence over corresponding contents of this manual
The meanings of the following words used in this document should be understood:
"Standard" can mean a named / numbered industry standard, EU / IEC directive,
technical statute or regulation.
"Product" can refer to an MSR300 System consisting of a combination of MSR300 Series
Modules, or to any one of these modules.
Content Guidance
Chapter 1 contains preliminary user information: this must be read and understood before
proceeding to Chapters 3 onward.
Chapter 2 (this chapter) has information about this manual. Sections 2.1 (this section)
and 2.2 must be read before proceeding to remaining chapters. Sections 2.3 and 2.4 are
for incidental reference.
Chapter 3 provides information about the relevant safety directives and standards
applicable to the safety of automatic machinery, the safety functions that can be
implemented by the use of MSR300 Systems, an overview of the MSR300 System, a
summary of the individual modules, and their technical specifications.
Chapter 4 has detailed information about each of the MSR300 Series Modules and how
they are used for specific applications.
Chapter 5 describes the special applications of safety control of industrial robots and
related automatic machines. This chapter also includes information about the special
logic functions available in the MSR300 System.
Chapter 6 describes possible faults and error conditions, and how the MSR300 System
handles these.
Chapter 7 contains instructions about installation, start-up, operation and maintenance.
Application examples are described in Chapter 8.