Robustel GoRugged R3000-3P User Guide
R3000-3P> enable
Password: *****
R3000-3P# tftp get rootfs R3k.
Tftp transfering
tftp succeeded!downloaded
R3000-3P# write //save current configuration
Building configuration...
R3000-3P# reload
!Reboot the system ?'yes'or 'no':yes //reload to take effect
Example 3: Set link-management
R3000-3P> enable
Password: *****
R3000-3P# configure
R3000-3P(config)# set link-management
wan link :
1.Cellular Only
2.Eth0 Only
3.Eth0 as primary and if fail use Cellular
4.Cellular as primary and if fail user Eth0
->please select mode(1-4)[1]:2 //select “Eth0 Only” as wan-link
->ICMP detection primary server[]:
->ICMP detection second server[]:
->ICMP detection interval(3-1800)[30]:
->ICMP detection timeout(1-10)[3]:
->ICMP detection retries(1-20)[3]:
->reset the interface?'yes'or'no'[no]:
this parameter will be take effect when reboot!
really want to modify[yes]:
R3000-3P# write //save current configuration
Building configuration...
R3000-3P# reload
!Reboot the system ?'yes'or 'no':yes //reload to take effect
Example 4: Set IP address,Gateway and DNS for Eth0
R3000-3P> enable
Password: *****