rotating to CW direction.
That is, the 10th bit becomes the direction bit to control the direction.
: Please check the maximum rpm of DYNAMIXEL. The motor cannot exceed the
maximum rpm with the higher Moving Speed value.
2. 4. 20. Torque Limit (34)
It is the value of the maximum torque limit. 0 ~ 1,023(0x3FF) is available, and the unit is about
0.1%. For example, if the value is 512, it is about 50%; that means only 50% of the maximum
torque will be used. If the power is turned on, the value of
: If the function of Alarm Shutdown is triggered, the motor loses its torque because the value
becomes 0. Once error conditions are resolved and this value is changed to the value other than 0,
the motor can be operated again.
2. 4. 21. Present Position (36)
It is the present position value of DYNAMIXEL. The range of the value is 0~4095 (0xFFF), and
the unit is 0.088 [°].
The picture above is the front view of DYNAMIXEL.
In multi-turn mode, the range is from -28,672 to 28,672 with unit values dependent on
Resolution Divider (0.088 * Resolution Divider)
: In multi-turn mode, Present position depends on resolution divider and multi-turn offset For
more information turn to the section on Multi Turn offset and Resolution Divider.
2. 4. 22. Present Speed (38)
Is the current moving speed.
0 ~ 2,047 (0x000 ~ 0x7FF) can be used.
If a value is in the rage of 0 ~ 1,023 then the motor rotates to the CCW direction.
If a value is in the rage of 1,024 ~ 2,047 then the motor rotates to the CW direction.
The 10th bit becomes the direction bit to control the direction; 0 and 1,024 are equal.
The value unit is about 0.11rpm.