Value Range
About 1°C
0 ~ 100
: Do not set the temperature higher than the default value. When the temperature alarm
shutdown occurs, wait 20 minutes to cool the temperature before re-use. Keep using the product when
the temperature is high can cause severe damage.
2. 4. 9. Min/Max Voltage Limit (12, 13)
It is the operation range of voltage.
Value Range Description
About 0.1V
50 ~ 160
5.0 ~ 16.0V
For example, if the value is 80, the voltage is 8V. If
Voltage Range Error Bit (Bit0) of Status Packet is returned as ‘1’ and Alarm is triggered as set
in the addresses 17 and 18.
2. 4. 10. Max Torque (14)
It is the torque value of maximum output. 0 to 1,023 (0x3FF) can be used, and the unit is about
For example, Data 1,023 (0x3FF) means that DYNAMIXEL will use 100% of the maximum
torque it can produce while Data 512 (0x200) means that DYNAMIXEL will use 50% of the
maximum torque.
When the power is turned on,
uses the value as the initial value.
2. 4. 11. Status Return Level (16)
This value decides how to return Status Packet when DYNAMIXEL receives an Instruction
Responding Instructions
PING Instruction
Status Packet will not be returned for all Instructions
PING Instruction
READ Instruction
Status Packet will be returned only for READ Instruction
All Instructions
Status Packet will be returned for all Instructions
: If the ID of Instruction Packet is set to Broad Cast ID(0xFE), Status Packet will not be returned
for READ and WRITE Instructions regardless of Status Return Level. For more details, please refer to
Status Packet
section for
2. 4. 12. Alarm LED(17), Shutdown(18)
The DYNAMIXEL can protect itself by detecting dangerous situations that could occur during
the operation.
Each Bit is inclusively processed with the ‘OR’ logic, therefore, multiple options can be