-Tangled Filament:
If the filament on your spool for some reason becomes tangled or
knotted up, it will eventually
create tension and the extruder will not have enough power to pull it through.
-Filament Latch too Loose:
If there is not enough pressure on the hobbed bolt teeth from the filament latch
-Clogged Hot End Tip:
This happens when there is something stuck in the bottom of the hot end, preventing the filament
from being pushed any further.
Filament grinding is very easy to spot and looks like this
Once you have corrected whichever the underlying problem was affecting extrusion, make sure to
clean the hobbed bolt teeth out, as they have most likely become filled with plastic shavings.
Overhangs- Support Material
An overhang is a specific part of a print that protrudes off of a vertical face
If an overhang is too severe for the printer to handle (a part that hangs off of the print too far) and is not
supported somehow, plastic will start to droop off of the part. To prevent this, make sure you check the
box that says “Generate Support Material” in your Slice Settings.