Timing Single Events:
Press (B) to start. Press (B) again to stop. Press (A) to reset to
all zeros.
Multiple Time Readings:
START: Press (B) to start. Time appears running in both rows of the display.
LAP/SPLIT READING: Press (A) to take a reading. The LAP time (the interval of time
since the last reading) will appear in the bottom row. The SPLIT time (the accumulated
time since the start of the event) will appear frozen in the top row.
Press (A) to take the first reading. The lap and split times will be the same. The reading
number will appear in the lap counter in the box.
LAP RELEASE: 15 seconds after taking the LAP/SPLIT reading, the previous frozen
times will release automatically and the current lap and split running times will appear on
the display. Or press (C) while previous reading is frozen to release to running time.
MEMORY RECALL: Press (D) at any time up to the first 100 readings. When used, the
RECALL symbol will appear.
Lap Counter (1--99)
First 60 Minutes Records
Split Minutes, Seconds, and
Time 1/100 of Seconds
Lap (After 60 Minutes,Time
Time Changes to Hours, Minutes,
Seconds and Tenths.)
Memory Recall
While using the RECALL function, take a LAP/SPLIT reading at any time by pressing
To reset chrono during RECALL function:
If running time: Press (B) to stop and (A) to reset.
If stopped: Sequence through all readings and press (A) to reset.
STOP: Stop the CHRONOGRAPH by pressing (B).
RESET: Reset the CHRONOGRAPH to all zeros by pressing (A).
Timing Continuous Single Events:
You may record as many continuous single event
times as required. To start, Press (B). Press (B) again to stop timing. Event time will
appear in bottom row (LAP) and accumulated event times (SPLIT) will appear in the top
row. Lap counter will automatically increase by one (1) for each reading taken.