COUNTDOWN CHRONO (CC): Press (B) to start. Alarm will sound at completion of
countdown time and CHRONO mode becomes active. Please refer to CHRONOGRAPH
section for complete operation.
• To reset countdown time to current preset time, press (D) when timer is stopped.
• To reset countdown timer to next preset time, press (A) when timer is stopped.
• You may reset the current preset time even while it is counting down. Simply press and
hold (D) for three (3) seconds and proceed as described in the SETTING section.
• The countdown alarm will sound for five (5) seconds when the preset time is greater
than one (1) minute. If the preset time is under one (1) minute, the alarm will sound a
single beep.
• When the beep sounds, you may silence the alarm by pressing any pushbutton.
• While setting countdown time, you may advance or decrease the digits rapidly and
holding (A) or (B).
The CHRONO and TARGET CHRONO modes are rendered inoperative should the countdown
chrono function be active (i.e. counting down or chronograph activated).
To maximize your battery life, do not use the Pacer except when absolutely necessary.
To locate the PACER mode, from NORMAL TIME press (C) five (5) times. “Pace”
appears in the lower row along with PACER rate. NORMAL TIME (hours, minutes,
seconds) appears in the upper row.
Pace Counter
Normal Time Display
Pacer Rate (30-160 BPM)
The PACER, when activated, emits an electronic beep time at a predetermined 30 – 160
beats per minute.
Setting the PACER: To set the pacer rate press and hold (D) for three (3) seconds.
PACER rate will begin to flash. Press (A) to advance rate on or press (B) to decrease
rate. Press (D) again to lock in PACER rate.
Using the PACER: In the PACER mode, with the rate locked in, press (B) to start the