Manual USZ 08 · EN05 · 2015-06
Error curve linearization of volume metering when using the USE 09-C
The error curve linearization of the gas meter can optionally be performed using three different
Error curve linearization with polynomial related to the flow rate
Error curve linearization with polynomial related to the Reynolds number
Error curve linearization using the interpolation point method
These methods are identical to the methods used in the case of turbine meters.
For further descriptions of the different methods, please refer to the basic manual.
IGM: ERZ 2000 with integrated ultrasonic controller
If this operating mode is selected, there are several new functions which will be described here in
more detail.
ID data of the ultrasonic electronic system of the measuring element of type USE 09
(pre-configured for up to 8 paths)
As with the USE 08 predecessor version comprising three modules of type IGM for two paths each,
two paths each are assigned to an imaginary IGM in the case of the USE 09 too.
Ultrasonic flowmeter diagnosis
This function is provided not only for indicating diagnostic values when connecting the USE 09-C,
but also for the ERZ 2xxx USC types; here, however, only fields 3 to 32 with gas velocities of paths
1 to 6, velocities of sound of paths 1 to 6, AGC levels for upstream and downstream directions, and
the measurement quality (= indication of valid measurements in percent). The representation for 6
paths has been adapted to the USZ 08. For more detailed information about the individual paths,
see columns HN to HU (see page 31).