RLH Industries, Inc.
936 N. Main Street, Orange, CA 92867
Phone: 800-877-1672
FAX: 714-532-1885
email: [email protected]
Fiber Optic Link
RLH Industries, Inc.
The leader in
rugged, fiber op�c
UG-M069 2021-12-13
Analog Signal 4~20mA Fiber Link System
Rugged design – Extreme opera�ng temperature ra�ng
Convenient LEDs for power, fiber, and 4~20mA signal
Single and dual fiber models available
Available with ST or SC connectors & single or mul�mode fiber
Transmit a 4~20mA signal over fiber
Update rate: 1,300 samples a second
12 Bit signal resolu�on
99.8% accuracy or be�er
Alarm contact for status monitoring
Built-in surge, over current, and polarity reversal protec�on
DIN rail or wall mount (Includes wall mount ears)
Limited Life�me Warranty
Made in USA
Key Features
The Analog Signal DIN Fiber Link system transmits a 4~20mA analog
signal over one op�cal fiber. It also offers a 12 bit signal resolu�on
and less than 0.2% source signal variance.
Compa�ble with most PLC’s, Sensors (2, 3, or 4 wire), and other
types of equipment where a precise current measurement must be
taken and transmi�ed over fiber. The system comprises of a
transmi�er (Analog Input) and a receiver (Analog Output), each
device has a compact DIN and wall mountable housing.
This compact and rugged system provides convenient and easy to
read LEDs, supports both single-mode and mul�mode fiber
applica�ons, and includes an alarm the receiver side for monitoring
system power and fiber health. Designed to operate over an
extreme temperature range, providing reliability in harsh
environments. Designed and Made in the USA and covered by our
Limited Life�me Warranty.
Transmits a 4~20mA Analog Signal over Fiber
Analog Signal 4~20mA Fiber Link System