RLH Industries, Inc.
936 N. Main Street, Orange, CA 92867
Phone: 800-877-1672
FAX: 714-532-1885
email: [email protected]
Fiber Optic Link
RLH Industries, Inc.
The leader in
rugged, fiber op�c
When connec�ng a 2-wire transmi�er to the RLH fiber transmi�er (AD-420TX-XX-X), the RLH transmi�er is always a
sinking input, expec�ng the source voltage or current to be supplied by the remote device. In this example, the
2-wire transmi�er has 24VDC loop voltage provided by a separate power supply.
4~20mA System – 2-Wire Transmitter Wiring
System Diagram
By u�lizing fiber op�c cable, the 4~20mA Analog Signal system provides absolute electrical isola�on between both ends of
the communica�ons network. It is immune to EMI/RF interference, ground loops, and high voltage surges from lightning or
ground faults, and is ideal in electrically noisy environments such as near large power sources, electrical motors, and radio
communica�ons equipment.
Network and control equipment in high voltage areas can be at risk due to Ground Poten�al Rise (GPR). A copper network
cable referenced to a remote ground can become a path for high voltages during a ground fault. Placement of all-dielectric
fiber op�c cable (instead of copper) completely eliminates the presence of a remote ground, which drama�cally increases
safety of personnel and reliability of equipment.