AirLink 7032 Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter briefly describes the AirLink 7032 Gas Monitor. This chapter also describes the
AirLink 7032 Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
(this document). Table 1 at the end of this chapter
lists the specifications for the AirLink 7032.
About the AirLink 7032 Gas Monitor
The AirLink 7032 is a hybrid monitor and data logger that supports either 32 AirLink sensor units
or 64 AirLink sensor units depending on the configuration ordered. Either configuration can also
be set up for 4, wired 4-20 mA input sensors in place of 4 AirLink sensors.
All channels can be configured to detect AirLink gas sensor assemblies. If desired, the last four
channels (29-32 for 32-channel versions, and 60-64 for 64-channel versions) can be configured to
accept a 4-20 mA signal. By default, all channels except the last four are configured for AirLink
sensor assemblies. The last four channels are configured for wired sensor assemblies. Any
channel can be turned “off”, and any channel can be configured to any valid AirLink address, 1-
There are four 5 Amp relays with 4 Amp fuses. The fourth relay may be configured as a Fault
relay. This Fault relay will activate if any Fault is generated by the monitor or if any sensor that
the monitor is configured to monitor goes into Fault. The Fault relay is removed from any further
configurable options from Channel Setup—leaving only three relays for each channel. All relays
can be configured to be either latching or auto resetting. The relays can be configured with
different set points for each channel.
An optional strobe and/or horn can be ordered. The strobe is installed on the top of the housing
and is wired into the first relay. The horn is installed on the bottom of the housing and is wired
into the second relay.
All relays have a 10% of value of hysteresis on the set points. This prevents the relays from
rapidly switching on and off during a potentially jumpy gas sensor reading. Once the threshold
value of a relay is reached, the relay is activated and the appropriate relay number is highlighted
for the affected channel. The gas reading must decreases to 90% of the relay value to deactivate.